Minecraft 1.19.11

Minecraft 1.19.11

Rating: 3.5
1536 vote
  • Android: 4.0
  • Updated
  • Language: English
  • Current Version:
  • Developer: Mojang
  • Category: Minecraft Last version

Minecraft 1.19.11 (apk, original, mediafıre) is the latest full version of the game released recently.

Location Ancient City . The ancient city is full of secrets and mysteries. Once in this location, it must be carefully explored. There are many useful materials there. For example, here you can find fragments of an echo - the material needed to make a restoring compass. And under the ground, Varden lives here - an extremely dangerous mob.

Mob Varden. The creature sees nothing. However, it perfectly picks up sound vibrations at a distance. His favorite habitat is caves. In order not to wake up a dangerous enemy, you need to be quiet for a minute.

Minecraft 1.19.11 Minecraft 1.19.11Minecraft 1.19.11 Minecraft 1.19.11 Minecraft 1.19.11
Download Minecraft 1.19.11 (Android, APK)
  1. Dumb rat 31 July 2022 21:11
    WhErE iS tHe fRiCkEn dOwNlOaD bUtToN
reload, if the code cannot be seen