Crisis Action-Answer the call of war

Crisis Action-Answer the call of war

Rating: 5
1 vote
  • Android: 4.0.3
  • Updated
  • Language: English
  • Current Version: 4.4.10
  • Category: Action

Crisis Action-Answer the call of war (MOD, unlimited ammo) - a simulator equipped with high-quality graphics, which will amaze you with a large number of the latest weapons and the latest technologies, as well as many interesting maps. All this will be provided to you to fight your numerous opponents. Choose it correctly, and the victory will be yours. Eliminate rivals standing in your way, thereby earning yourself new ranks.

Crisis Action-Answer the call of warCrisis Action-Answer the call of warCrisis Action-Answer the call of warCrisis Action-Answer the call of warCrisis Action-Answer the call of warCrisis Action-Answer the call of war
Download Crisis Action-Answer the call of war (Android, APK + OBB)
Crisis Action-Answer the call of war v4.4.10
1.72 Gb
Crisis Action-Answer the call of war v4.1.3
(downloaded: 80)
43.92 Mb
OBB Crisis Action-Answer the call of war v4.1.3
(downloaded: 65)
842.57 Mb
Unzip/Extract the downloaded OBB, and put in the given path:
Android → obb
(it should turn out like this: Android/obb/com.herogames.gplay.crisisactionsa)
reload, if the code cannot be seen